Roving Sugamuxi (as part of VisitSugamuxi) is a section for organized travel & exploration service providers, in the diverse Andean region of Sugamuxi (Boyacá, COL), through day-trips (or longer) on various routes & activities having a real taste of the territory... and yes, it is inspired by a lovely Land Rover mod. 1970 (a Series II-A LR 88 Santana) in which we promote VisitSugamuxi.
Details of this section:
Every travel & exploration provider will have its own rules and details.
VisitSugamuxi serves merely as an informative guide.
Visitors are encouraged to have a valid travel & health insurance.
RNT (Tourism National Registration) is the legal certificate for most tourism services and/or providers.
Travel & Exploration Providers:
More information: For more information, please contact Roving Sugamuxihere, or by our contact link.