local cuisineThe gastronomy in Sugamuxi is traditionally very much connected to soups (a plethora of options), beef plates in accordance with ancient customs- especially Carne a la Llanera -, corn varieties, and more recently, delicate onion and trout dishes.
These wonderful, traditional options are worth exploring but they are not the only options offered. Today, Sugamuxi can boast a great variety of food choices including elegant restaurants, international cuisine, vegetarian options (especially in Sogamoso), and a wide and colorful mix of flavorful and regional cuisine markets. |
Our HistoryThe Muiscas in Sugamuxi were corn people and also ate quinoa as the main source of vegetable protein. Spaniards from the XVI century onwards brought new varieties of spices and farming species to the country and region that would forever change the future.
In the last 200 hundred years, a deep connection to beef livestock was developed in the lower areas of Los Llanos. Sogamoso, the capital of Sugamuxi, was the main collective hub which connects the Los Llanos area to the interior of the country and its markets. It is no wonder why Carne a la Llanera (beef cooked according to the Los Llanos style) is a dominant part of our current gastronomy. |